Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Genoa, The seaside

It was nice to get away from the farm smell and go spend 5 days at the beach. The weather was hot everyday, even though the mornings started out cloudy, and the water was fairly warm. I loved the scenery because when you were sitting on the beach you could look behind you and see the mountians right behind you. Mostly we just sat on the beach and tanned, I dont really tan even if I try, but I did get a little tan. Rikki doesnt seem to like the water very much, but neither does anyone else. They really dont swim much except for the little kids. We ate a lot of icecream and pizza while we were at the seaside but the pizza was good Italian pizza, not thick and full of nasty stuff. It was like going to Mexico except everyone spoke Italian not Spanish, a good vacation away from the farm.

Today Rikki, two of his friends and I went to Milan again. We shopped some and then just sat and talked for a long while. I like seeing all the designer stores, they have really nice clothes, but I nothing that I could afford! It was fun and I am sad to be packing up but I will be glad to be home in a few days.

I will post again after I get back to Colorado.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

To Mom

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I also sent you an email, but am not sure if you got it.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Venezia (Venice)

The drive to Venice from Rikkis house is about 2 and a half or 3 hours. We parked the car and I thought, why are we stoped, there is no water here and there are cars all around, what is going on? It turns out that we had to walk a block and we were in the area of venice outside the main square. There are two types of canals, one where gondollas, and comercial boats go and one where private boats are stored. The canals are even more beautiful that they look in pictures! They are just amazing, I can not begin to describe them!
In the main square, like in Milan, there are a lot of famous designer stores. The Church was beautiful and it reminded me of the White Church in Paris that we could see from the appartment. The boardwalk, I think thats what it is called, is beautiful too. I looked for the cicadas Aunt Louise and did not find them, I am hoping that they have them in the town at the seaside. We go there next weekend.
Personally, I liked Venice more than Milan and the country side. It is very different than anything that I have ever seen and I loved it. Now I am rambling.

Sorry about some of the spelling and lack of apostrophies, etc... The keyboard here is somewhat different than ours and I cant find some keys. Also I am limited on time for the internet.

I will post again in a few days and try to reply to some posts if I can.

Christine, Kelly and Morgan,
I need your addresses, so can you email them to me at


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Milano and the farm

Chao! Today Rikki and I went to Milan with two of his friends. The church is beautiful!!! We walked around the Gallery and saw Prada, Louis Vaton (sp?), etc... I have pictures. Compared to France, not many people here smoke. The teenagers all seem to but not many adults, it is interesting. It is warm during the day and usually rains at night which is nice. There is a lot of down time during the day but I read and sleep a lot then. I have already finished two books! Rikki and I are going to go to Venice on Monday with his Dad I think but before then not much is going on. The farm is not as big as I thought it would be, they have about 100 cows, maybe a little more, maybe 150+ pigs, and a few chickens. Most of the family lives on the property and the men I think all work on the farm. It is interesting to see how they live like because it is so different from how we do in almost every way. Chao!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just getting settled

We will be going to the beach either this weekend or next weekend with Rikkis Uncle and the maid. The maid, Maxi, is philipino and speaks OK english.

Rikki is shorter than me but some of his friends are hot. I do not need to censor your comments because Rikki doenst know about the blog or even what a blog is. I will take plenty of pictures.

Last night Rikki, his dad and I went to a Rotary concert and some guy sang Italian and american songs but the american songs were hard to understand because the base was so loud it overpowered the lyrics. The towns and everything seem so old but it is nice, it gives them their personality. Even the music and technology seem to be about 10 years behind it is strange. Already I catch my self picking up on Italian ways, like when they say chao at the end of a phone call they say it 3 or 4 times and I have started doing that with si or yes! Today Rikki and I are going to go play tennis with a few of his friends, i am not very good so we will see how this goes.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am here


I made it to Italy fine and the people are very nice. The first day I was here I went to some town with Rikki and his friends and we shopped for four hours. The guys here shop like girls in america when we go for back to school shopping, it is amazing! Mom, the party with the drinking that you were worried about was fine. It was not even seperate from the school party and it was not out of hand like you had heard it was. Do not worry I did not drink. There is also no wine served with dinner to any of the kids. Sorry, I can not load any pictures on to the blog I dont think because they do not have a USB plug in. Today I woke up and went to church with Rikki and his family, the church was small and the service was short, but afterwards we talked with some family friends and Rikkis Aunt and Uncle and they were all very egar to practice their english. Sorry about the lack of apostrophies, I can not find the key on the key board. We relaxed for an hour and then his friends came over. They are all very nice and we played pool and a soccer video game, and then went outside to play volleyball. The weather is comfterable to warm during the day and surprisingly, the food is for the most part not homemade. The Grandmother makes some food and what she makes she makes enough for each family the rest is store bought or takeout. My guess is that this is because they give the maid the weekend off because I have not seen her yet. I am starting to understand some more everyday and my spanish is really helping me with that, still they all talk so fast that it is hard to put everything together, but the hand movements help. Otherwise not much has happened yet. The farm is like the ones there but much smaller in terms of how many animals there are. The house is large but it is more like three houses smashed into one, I have not even met the Uncle and Aunt with the little girls yet. Hope everyone is having a great time where ever you are and I will post in a few days!


Monday, June 4, 2007

Instructions for blogger

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog. For those of you who are knew to blogs I hope this will help.

I will try to post a short amount about what is going on in Italy every few days and if I can I will add pictures!

For all of you who don't know how to comment on blogger (that is the site that you are on) here is how.

Note: You must create a blog in order to post a comment on my blog. If you only want to read the blog, you do not need a blogger account.

To Read only:

1) Go to, and you can read about what I am doing in Italy. You can click in the lower left corner where it says # and comments to read what other people are saying about my trip.

To Read and Comment:

1) Go to and click 'create a blog now'
2) Follow the instructions:
- Fill out all the information. The e-mail address and password that you type in are what you will use for your username and password to sign into blogger next time you log on. The display name is the name that I will see above your comment, so it helps if it is your name or last name so that I know who is commenting.
3) You can name your blog anything you want, you probably won't ever need to do anything with this. The template also doesn’t matter, pick which ever one you like.
4) After you have read what I have posted, click on comments and there will be a box where you can type your comments, sign in and post your comments.
5) You do not need to sign onto blogger before you go to, you can sign in after you click on ‘# comments’.

Thanks and hope you enjoy reading my blog. My first post will be around the 10th of June.