Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Venezia (Venice)

The drive to Venice from Rikkis house is about 2 and a half or 3 hours. We parked the car and I thought, why are we stoped, there is no water here and there are cars all around, what is going on? It turns out that we had to walk a block and we were in the area of venice outside the main square. There are two types of canals, one where gondollas, and comercial boats go and one where private boats are stored. The canals are even more beautiful that they look in pictures! They are just amazing, I can not begin to describe them!
In the main square, like in Milan, there are a lot of famous designer stores. The Church was beautiful and it reminded me of the White Church in Paris that we could see from the appartment. The boardwalk, I think thats what it is called, is beautiful too. I looked for the cicadas Aunt Louise and did not find them, I am hoping that they have them in the town at the seaside. We go there next weekend.
Personally, I liked Venice more than Milan and the country side. It is very different than anything that I have ever seen and I loved it. Now I am rambling.

Sorry about some of the spelling and lack of apostrophies, etc... The keyboard here is somewhat different than ours and I cant find some keys. Also I am limited on time for the internet.

I will post again in a few days and try to reply to some posts if I can.

Christine, Kelly and Morgan,
I need your addresses, so can you email them to me at stanisz09soccer@yahoo.com



Unknown said...


guess what? I just found out about this exciting blog today! It sounds like Italy is great so far...It is VERY exciting that his friends are hot! Have a great time there!!! We miss you here!

Love Kelly

P.S. Send me lots of pictures!!!

reed said...


Great to hear you are enjoying Italy. Lisa and I are in Canada this week trying to get some fishing done. Kristine sent us a note from Cost Rica and is enjoying her stay with her host family. She is going to school with her new friend Ana. She is getting good chance to practice her Spanish.

Take CARE and have a GREAT Week!


Uncle Reed

MorganF said...

Hey Bessie!!!! it sounds like Italy is amazing im sooo jelous!!! you better bring one of those hotties home for me ;) *wink wink* lol.. but ya, hope you keep having a great time!! oooo and guess what? IM GETTING A BOY TOO!!! (that is as an exchange student) so yeah!! Well miss ya lots and cant wait till you get back!

Morgan <3

BessieS said...

When are you getting this exchange student??? I want to meet him. And yes Italy is amazing. Tell you more when I get home.


ChristineT said...

Venice sounds soooo pretty! I'm getting one too! There was an article about it in my neighborhood newsletter and they need host families. But Kelly Morgan and I worked on your party list your mom put me in charge of, it's an interesting list...
Send me lots of pictures too, especially of "Venezia" oooo.
ps do they play those car games like Morgan does and hit you in the arm? just wondering if that's just an our culture thing...

BessieS said...

They do not play those car games like we do. In some ways that is a good thing, but if you are sitting in the back of the car when morgan does that, it is a fun game.
Do you know when you are getting the student or if it is a girl or a boy, and where they are from???

And what do you mean that the list is interesting? Will you at least make sure that you invite girls and boys because it would be weird to have this party all girls and Rikki. Thanks,


ChristineT said...

now we aren't getting one because my mom says we don't have the resources to give them a good experience, dang it :( they wouldve been here when rikki was too
and it's just a funny list, and yes, there are girls AND boys :)

Dad said...

Dear Bessie,

Glad you and your friends are enjoying the blog. Maybe someday all of you can take a trip to Italy. Wow would the boys be in trouble!

The basilica in Paris was Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart) in Montemarte and the square you were in in Venezia was probably St. Marks.

Remember the recipes and have a great time in Genoa !