Monday, June 4, 2007

Instructions for blogger

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog. For those of you who are knew to blogs I hope this will help.

I will try to post a short amount about what is going on in Italy every few days and if I can I will add pictures!

For all of you who don't know how to comment on blogger (that is the site that you are on) here is how.

Note: You must create a blog in order to post a comment on my blog. If you only want to read the blog, you do not need a blogger account.

To Read only:

1) Go to, and you can read about what I am doing in Italy. You can click in the lower left corner where it says # and comments to read what other people are saying about my trip.

To Read and Comment:

1) Go to and click 'create a blog now'
2) Follow the instructions:
- Fill out all the information. The e-mail address and password that you type in are what you will use for your username and password to sign into blogger next time you log on. The display name is the name that I will see above your comment, so it helps if it is your name or last name so that I know who is commenting.
3) You can name your blog anything you want, you probably won't ever need to do anything with this. The template also doesn’t matter, pick which ever one you like.
4) After you have read what I have posted, click on comments and there will be a box where you can type your comments, sign in and post your comments.
5) You do not need to sign onto blogger before you go to, you can sign in after you click on ‘# comments’.

Thanks and hope you enjoy reading my blog. My first post will be around the 10th of June.

1 comment:

ChristineT said...

I found it! We'll miss you!!!