Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am here


I made it to Italy fine and the people are very nice. The first day I was here I went to some town with Rikki and his friends and we shopped for four hours. The guys here shop like girls in america when we go for back to school shopping, it is amazing! Mom, the party with the drinking that you were worried about was fine. It was not even seperate from the school party and it was not out of hand like you had heard it was. Do not worry I did not drink. There is also no wine served with dinner to any of the kids. Sorry, I can not load any pictures on to the blog I dont think because they do not have a USB plug in. Today I woke up and went to church with Rikki and his family, the church was small and the service was short, but afterwards we talked with some family friends and Rikkis Aunt and Uncle and they were all very egar to practice their english. Sorry about the lack of apostrophies, I can not find the key on the key board. We relaxed for an hour and then his friends came over. They are all very nice and we played pool and a soccer video game, and then went outside to play volleyball. The weather is comfterable to warm during the day and surprisingly, the food is for the most part not homemade. The Grandmother makes some food and what she makes she makes enough for each family the rest is store bought or takeout. My guess is that this is because they give the maid the weekend off because I have not seen her yet. I am starting to understand some more everyday and my spanish is really helping me with that, still they all talk so fast that it is hard to put everything together, but the hand movements help. Otherwise not much has happened yet. The farm is like the ones there but much smaller in terms of how many animals there are. The house is large but it is more like three houses smashed into one, I have not even met the Uncle and Aunt with the little girls yet. Hope everyone is having a great time where ever you are and I will post in a few days!



Mom said...

Bessie - I am so glad to hear you are having a good time. It really sounds as though you are enjoying yourself, and that you may even end up understanding (and maybe speaking?!!!?) some Italian. Do you know yet what your plans are while you are there? Will you be going to the beach? Julia and I are all packed for Michigan, flying out tonight at 7:00. I am planning to call Christine Thompson to find out about when the majority of your friends will be available for a party - I'll let you know. Keep those posts coming. Everyone is excited to read them. Love you and miss you. Mom

Cassy H said...

Hey how are you? Don't worry, everything in Colorado is good! I wanted to go to Jamba before you left but there just isn't enough time in the day...:(
I just have a couple of questions, and make sure you take a lot of pictures. Can you get email?

How is the foriegn world? Is your boy hot? are his friends hot? What was the party like? Is he really rich? What does his house look like? Does he have more than one? Do you think that the maid is Italian? Anyway your mom is calling haha. I hope you have fun! And I hope you email me some cool pics of your man!
I miss you

Cassy H said...

Oh ya does he read this, if he does could you maybe censor my page! Thanks

Dad said...

Ah I guess Cassy did not read the instructions that stated 'This blog does not allow anonymous comments' nor does it censor. You should check your email also. Have fun and bring back recipes !

Love Dad

(I would say I miss you but I have the whole house to myself for 10 days)